Another year has almost gone by!We’re getting closer to the annual Field Day at the UFore (Urban Forestry outreach research and extension) nursery on the Saint Paul campus. Traditionally, this has been offered as the MnSTAC August forum and an opportunity to take some time off, catch up with old and new friends, and dig into what the UFore research team has been up to.
WHAT & WHEN From 10:00 am until Noon there will be over a dozen stations featuring some of the current research UFore is involved with, as well as a session on diagnosing plant problems from the UMN Plant Disease Clinic and a couple of current research studies that are cooperative US Forest Service projects with the departments of Plant Pathology and Forest Resources. There will be an opportunity to visit the far fields to see some of the Dutch elm disease research, a demonstration of ash tree injection to combat emerald ash borer, some odd and interesting pruning techniques, current gravel bed research and tree performance trials. At Noon, the feeding frenzy will begin with freshly grilled meats and non-meats, as well as sides and drinks and a chance to catch up with everyone. From 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Providing you don’t fall asleep with a full belly under the shade of a tree, there will be a walking tree and shrub i.d. class that comes with 2.0 ISA Certified Arborist ceus. COST? Zero. It’s our way of saying thank you to all of our partners and hopefully get you interested in the work we’re involved with. Plus, we like the company. All we ask is if you plan on attending, please RSVP here! WHERE The Field Day will take place in the UFore Nursery on the UofM's St. Paul Campus. If you have not been to the Nursery before you are in for a treat. |